Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Excellence In Network Marketing- 6 Tips of Success

 It is possible to achieve excellence in Network Marketing. However, to succeed in any endeavor, certain course of actions should be taken. Nothing good comes from inaction. Network marketing is not an exception. What you sow in multilevel marketing is definitely going to be reaped.

Here are SIX TIPS of success if you want to achieve excellence in your network marketing home based business:
  1.   Set Short-Term and Long-Term Goals.
     Goals are your aims. What you desire to achieve within a specific period of time. You must therefore set a specific and clear goal. Short term goals are usually between 30-90days up to 18-24months. Short term goals will motivate you to take timely, periodic and prompt actions now to turbo-charge your networking business. Long term goals (2-5 years) will help you to stay on track and not get down if something goes wrong.
    2.    Belief you CAN.
     In network marketing business, no serious progress can be achieved without a strong belief in yourself. Belief you can achieve success and feed your mind with positive thoughts of a winning mindset and you will see that the CAN do spirit will make your success route short to attain.

    3.    Work The Plan.
     Have a plan that is congruent with your goals and have the work ethics to follow through with your plan. Build your plan around personally sponsoring new distributors every week consistently. If your are doing your network marketing business part time, have a plan to sponsor new distributor like one to three weekly and if you are on full time, sponsoring three to five persons per week is a realistic plan.

     4.   Don't Reinvent The Wheel.
       Network Marketing is system driven. Most companies have an existing system that works and as long as you follow it, you will definitely see results.

     5.   Lead By Example: 
 Network marketing is about people. It is about relationship. it is about being a dependable leader in ones network. Therefore, always lead by example. Let your team see you as an able leader. Let them believe in your ability. Lead them with passion, compassion and humility. Be a leader in deed. 

     6. Have Fun and Enjoy The Process.

Network Marketing should be fun despite the challenges being faced on the business model. You must be looking for the good in every situation. For instance, rejection is number one discouraging factors that affect many new network marketers. However, the best way to handle rejection is to stay positive minded. To note that rejection is part of the business realities in network marketing. You should have fun and enjoy the process of network marketing business.


  1. Hi Sir Julius!

    Can u mentor and help me to do
    My networking to be successful
    And grow as a spider web..
    I'm here in the Philippines doing the Aim Global business..
    I'm 7mos on the way on this business..
    I have already a 41 downlines including my name in 7 accounts..
    Many thanks!
    GOD speed and more power!

  2. Hello Neth,

    Thank you for your comment. Network marketing is the business of the 21st century for the discerning minds. I am more than willing to increase mentoring on best ways to grow our network business on this blog platform.

    Basically, spiderweb networking is a kind of marketing strategy that connects people as a chain of network. You can subscribe by e-mail additionally so that I can get you more resources that leads to enduring success in Network Marketing business. MORE POWER!
